Hello there,
We are happy to announce our latest feature, Universal Full-Text Search!
Now you could find the search button on the navigation bar on the upper right and start to search any information related to waivers, customers, tags, templates, everything!
Where to search?
On our navigation bar, you could see a search icon on the upper right. You could click this button under any page in the web console.
What to search?
When you click the search button, you will noticed that we could able to search three categories:
1. Search Waivers -- typing anything you need to search like customer's name, tag, note, date, waiver name, etc. It will return all the related specific waivers back.
2. Search Template -- typing anything you need to search like customer's name, tag, note, date, template name, etc. It will return all the related templates back.
2. Search Everything -- typing anything you need to search like customer's name, tag, note, date, template name, waiver name etc. it will return all the related templates and also the waivers back.
Drop-down: Everything, Waiver, and Template search
For example: (All the images shown below are from testing account)
1. I need to search the related waiver under name : Nick
2. I need to search the related template related to my dance template:
3. I want to search everything including waivers and templates with the name "aa"
Why we support search ?
We are the only waiver solution provider with this Universal Full-text Searchfunctionality. We hope we could support our customers to bring up the most related results across all the templates, waivers, information on our dashboard in a second.
Visit our blog to read more about how we approach our universal search: